Hi, my name is
I was born the 24th of April 1995 in Ehringshausen,
a small town near Gießen, Germany.
My mom is Beatriz Gordon- Schmidt (from
and my father is Thorsten Schmidt (from Germany)
we live in Herbornseelbach- Germany, sometimes
in Huixtla, Chiapas- Mexico, or Mexico- City.
Although I`m six years old, I still can`t
walk, crawl, sit or speak.
Since February 2000, we know the diagnosis: Rett-Syndrome.
This is a rare disease, which, as we know nowadys,
is caused by a rare gene- mutation
I want to tell about me and this illness here, because I think that, as long as
this illness is unknown,
no main importance will be put in the investigation of the same.
But exactly this is mine and many other Rett- girls- hope, to be able one
day, to treat some of the symptoms succcessfully.
Learn more about me and our illness here,
help to announce and support the research for
the Rett- Syndrom!